It is true what they say, "A Healthy Liver for a Health Life." To avoid medical issues related to the liver, it is essential that we maintain our liver in perfect condition. Food habits must be very healthy, with no fast food, oily foods, or other unhealthy junk food, in order to keep one's liver free of hepatitis problems.Additionally, in order to prevent hepatitis issues, vices like excessive alcohol consumption and drug use should be completely avoided. Hepatitis A, also known as the "HEPATITIS A VIRUS," is nothing more than an infectious allergy to the liver. In the beginning, there might only be a few symptoms or none at all. The full onset of the symptoms, which could last for weeks, might not happen for two or six weeks.
Generally, the usual symptoms noted with hepatitis are nausea sensation, vomiting, loose motion, stomach pain, fever, jaundice, etc. In 10% to 15% of patients, the symptoms may recur after the hepatitis problem first manifests over a period of six months, and in some cases, the liver may become inactive in elderly patients.
The disease of hepatitis affects a patient due to the drinking of impure water, eating unclean–fish foods, etc. Sometimes, this disease may occur to others also by mingling with the affected person. This disease may not outwardly show any symptoms in respect of children and this may pave way for affecting others too. A patient once affected by a hepatitis problem would have good immunity power for the rest of their life because of the effective medicines taken for cure. Since very often the symptoms look like other diseases, undergoing a blood test is inevitable. These kinds of known liver allergies are classified into five types - A, B, C, D, and E.
The majority of the time, symptoms won't appear until two to six weeks after the initial exposure to the hepatitis A virus. In most cases, they are not severe, but they can linger for a few weeks or even months, particularly in adults. In the event that symptoms do manifest, they can appear out of nowhere and could include the following:
There is no specific treatment for hepatitis A.
The most crucial preventative measure is to administer hepatitis "A" vaccine, which has significant medical value in preventing the occurrence of hepatitis diseases. In some countries, this vaccination is compulsorily given to children and some vulnerable patients. This vaccination is useful for the entire life span of the individual. Frequent hand-washing, and eating food with good and proper cooking are the other preventive measures. All hepatitis diseases are completely curable and only in the case of a fully defunct nature of the liver, the question of liver transplantation treatment is warrante
In pursuit of eradication or prevention of Hepatitis diseases and to make wider Medical Awareness “World Hepatitis Day” is celebrated every year on the 28th of July which happens to be the birthday of Nobel Prize Winning Scientist Dr. Baruch Blumberg who developed a vaccine for the Hepatitis Virus.