World Asthma Day is a healthcare awareness event held annually on the first Tuesday of May to raise awareness of asthma worldwide. World Asthma Day will be observed on May 2, 2023. On this day, various global and local organizations join forces to combat the world's leading non-communicable disease in children and adults.
The asthma day was established by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) to raise awareness about asthma and improve asthma care globally. GINA is a collaborative effort between healthcare professionals and public health officials to improve asthma care and reduce the burden of asthma worldwide.
There are several distinct factors that lead to increased chances of having asthma, but it’s difficult to just point out one direct reason.
Airborne matters - cockroach waste particles, pet dander, mold spores, dust mites, or pollen
Although there is no known treatment for asthma, it is possible to manage the disease to reduce or even end asthma attacks, also known as episodes. Symptoms of asthma can become worse during strenuous workouts or exercise, particularly when the air is cold and dry.
Occupational asthma can be brought on by irritants in the workplace, such as chemical fumes or gases. Allergy-induced asthma is very common and is brought on by airborne substances such as pollen, mold spores, and dust.
Reducing your exposure to allergens can have a beneficial effect on your asthma and may even decrease the amount of medication you require. Consequently, allergen avoidance should be the primary management objective.
Treatment typically entails gaining an understanding of your asthma triggers, taking the necessary precautions to avoid them, and monitoring your breathing to ensure that your regular medications are effectively controlling your asthma. Inhaled corticosteroids, long-acting beta-agonists, and theophylline are typical long-term asthma treatments.
Medications are prescribed based on the patient's symptoms, age, and asthma triggers, as well as what best controls the asthma. Reducing allergen exposure as much as possible and strictly adhering to your medication regimen can have significant positive effects on your asthma and help you regain control over your daily activities and life.
Currently, the WHO is working to expand asthma diagnosis and treatment. According to the World Health Organization, tobacco smoke reduction is essential for both primary asthma prevention and disease management.
Although asthma is completely manageable, there are countless instances of recurrence due to patients' lax attitude once they begin to feel better. Do not let asthma slow you down. By adhering to very simple protocols, it is possible to reduce problems and gain greater control over symptoms.
To know more about Bronchial Asthma from the expert Dr. M. Deepaselvi MBBS, DA,MD (Pulmonary Medicine) Pulmonology at Prashanth Hospitals.